Institute  for Internal Controls

"Promoting an effective internal controls environment"

Local Chapters of TheIIC Worldwide

Local chapters of TheIIC are organized by members who reside in a geographic region and who share an interest in areas of internal controls. Chapters act as local representatives of TheIIC worldwide. Take advantage of these resources and enjoy the many benefits including:

Networking Opportunities

Connect and collaborate with other fraud investigators in your area while participating in local programs and events that promote awareness of the internal controls profession.

Quality local CICA/CCS Training

Fulfill your continuing education requirements without having to pay travel expenses. All chapter meetings are planned by fellow members of TheIIC and focus on what is relevant to your professional development. All chapter training including breakfast/luncheon/dinner meetings with a speaker are accepted by TheIIC towards fulfillment of TheIIC CPE requirements.

Timely Industry Information

Keep abreast of the most important local internal control issues and emerging trends via chapter newsletters, monthly meetings and seminars targeted to your needs.

Mentoring opportunities

Chapter membership ranges from internal control specialists with minimal experience to those with a wealth of internal control knowledge. If you are new to the profession, chapter involvement is a great way to learn from the best. If you are an experienced professional, membership in a chapter of TheIIC gives you the chance to give back to the profession by mentoring the next generation of internal control professionals.

Leadership Skill Development

Enhance and refine your leadership skills by serving on your local chapter Board of Directors. Become a leader in the field with your fellow internal control professionals.

Want to start a local chapter in your area?

Click the links below for directions on "How to Form a Local Chapter of TheIIC" in your area:

Guidelines for Starting Local Chapters

Petition_to form a Local Chapter of TheIIC

IIC Local Chapter FAQs


Uniform IIC Chapter By-laws

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