Institute for Internal Controls "Promoting an effective internal controls environment" |
(Version 3.0 January 2020) MEMBERSHIP CATEGORIES
Additional details are available under the appropriate certification website page or within the appropriate application or instructions page for the specific application
CERTIFIED MEMBER - REGULAR is a member who has been granted a certification from TheIIC based on:
RETIRED CERTIFIED MEMBER is a member who has been granted a certification from TheIIC and who has formally requested RETIRED status and is a current member via payment of their annual membership dues at the Retired rate. Retired members in good standard have all of the benefits of Full Certified Members. Retired members who display the CICA or CCS designation must use the designation “CICA (Retired)” or “CCS (Retired)”. Retired members must complete the Retired member form and submit renewal fees annually on the anniversary of their acceptance into IIC membership. If membership has lapsed, Retired members can apply for reinstatement without prejudice at any time via formal request and compliance with the procedures for reinstatement in effect at the time of readmission. Note: members who have retired and have not selected the retired status outline above cannot present themselves as a CICA or CCS. In this instance they are in a resigned status and will be deleted from TheIIC membership roll.
EDUCATOR CERTIFIED MEMBER is a member who has been granted a certification from TheIIC based on passing of the certification examination OR via the grandfathering provision, OR via completion of the publication in a peer-reviewed journal of an article in the area of internal controls, AND who maintains a full-time position as a faculty member at an accredited university. Adjuncts are NOT eligible for this status.
STUDENT MEMBER is a full-time student, registered in a degree granting program at an accredited college or university, in a discipline related to internal controls or indirectly in a related area such as management, ethics, compliance, security, IT quality assurance, etc. Certified Members are not eligible for Student membership. Note that Student members have access to all of the benefits of Full Certified Members. Student members must complete the Student Member Application and pay the Student Member fee annually while maintaining full-time student status. Full-Time students is defined by the university classification and ends upon withdrawal or graduation from the program. Student members may be asked to profile documentation from the school attesting to their student status. Note that Student members CANNOT use the CICA or CCS professional certification designation! NOTE-Student Members of TheIIC School Chapters or Internal Controls/Accounting Clubs are not included above and should apply directly via the Student Chapter faculty member at their school.
RETIRED/RESIGNED INACTIVE STATUS is a certified member who has been previously granted a certification from TheIIC, and who has formally requested RETIRED status, and resigned from membership in TheIIC. A Retired/Resigned Inactive Status Member has no rights or benefits. Retired/Resigned members cannot display the CICA or CCS designation in any form. Retired/Resigned members can apply for reinstatement without prejudice at any time via formal request and compliance with the procedures for reinstatement in effect at the time of readmission.
INACTIVE STATUS is granted to a member in good standing that wishes to leave TheIIC temporarily for some reason but who also wants to keep abreast of current events and who intends to reactive membership within three years. Access to membership benefits are limited. During the Inactive Status, member cannot hold oneself out as a CICA or CCS in any form and must remove the CICA/CCS designation from display. Inactive members do have access to full membership benefits such as publications, discounts on merchandise and access to TheIIC. Inactive members can apply for reinstatement without prejudice at any time via formal request and compliance with the procedures for reinstatement in effect at the time of readmission.
UNEMPLOYED STATUS is granted to a member who becomes unemployed and is actively seeking employment. Unemployment status should be requested no sooner than 30 days before expiration of the member’s current membership period. Once unemployed status is approved, the member will continue to have all of the benefits of membership and may continue to use the CICA or CCS but ONLY for job hunting purposes. Unemployed members will be exempt from adherence to the CPE requirements. Note that members must request Unemployment Status annually at the anniversary of their renewal. Unemployed members must complete the Renewal form and submit the reduced renewal fees annually until employed. Once a member becomes employed, the member MUST notify TheIIC within 30 days and request reinstatement via the Request for Reinstatement form.
TERMINATED STATUS – Any member who fails to maintain their membership in TheIIC via payment of the annual dues will be terminated. Members are invoiced annually during the month of the anniversary of their grant and considered past due after 90 days of the due date on the invoice. At this time, the member will be terminated, retroactive to the date of expiration of the current membership period as displayed on the member’s membership card. Terminated members cannot hold the CICA or CCS certification and must remove the display of the designation from any form or display. A terminated member is classified as either Terminated/Suspended or Terminated/Revoked, depending on the time frame as noted below. NOTE: TERMINATED members who hold themselves out as a CERTIFIED MEMBER will be subject to disciplinary action.
TERMINATED/SUSPENDED STATUS – Any member who is identified in the definition of TERMINATED above, who has been terminated for a period of less than three years. Members in this status may petition for reinstatement via submission of the formal Request for Reinstatement, payment of the appropriate reinstatement fee, and payment of the current annual dues. Note that reinstatement is a one-time event and any future delinquency will result in immediate termination and revocation of the member’s certification.
TERMINATED/REVOKED STATUS - Any member who is identified in the definition of TERMINATED above, who has been terminated for a period three years or more. Members in this status are required to reapply for membership and take and pass the appropriate certification examination in place. A formal request for reinstatement must be filed with the Office of the Chairman via submission of the formal Request for Reinstatement, payment of the appropriate reinstatement fee, and payment of the current annual dues. Note that reinstatement is a one-time event and any future delinquency will result in immediate termination and revocation of the member’s certification.
TERMINATED FOR CAUSE – This situation occurs when a member’s conduct, either in a professional or personal capacity, is subject to investigation by the Office of the Chairman. Situations include failure to adhere to TheIIC Code of Ethics, TheIIC Code of Professional Standards, and TheIIC CPE Policy. Special situations include the use of the CICA or CCS designations knowingly by an individual who is NOT a member in good standing. Terminated for Cause can be temporary or permanent.
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